Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Petty bullshit

The amount of petty bullshit I have to deal with at work seems to be mounting. Over the years, I've grown used to a certain amount; it goes with the territory in the publishing world, I've found. Today I had to pretend to be deeply concerned by an e-mail from an asshole author (one of the biggest eye-openers for me when I started out in publishing was that a lot of authors are jerks, sort of a let down considering I had looked up to writers for most of my life). I had to pretend to be deeply concerned because my supervisor was pretending to be deeply concerned (I'm giving my supervisor the benefit of the doubt here, because if she was truly deeply concerned by the nonsense in this e-mail, then she's got more serious problems than I had suspected). As it turns out, the reason this author was so upset was because a few figure captions had been inconsistently capitalized. I'm not making this up. Apparently, a couple incorrectly capitalized words was all it took to fire up this idiot's indignation. But my supervisor, more eager than ever to catch me in error these days, saw an opportunity even though she still didn't fully comprehend how ridiculous the author's remarks were. She had to keep beating it into the ground. She wouldn't let it rest until I was completely cowed. Fuck that! I now realize that the turning point in my relationship with my supervisor was when she recognized that I wasn't going to take her bullshit (I've noticed over the years that she tends to hire very meek young women, types of women she figures she'll have no problem browbeating; one assistant remarked, "She talks to me like I'm an idiot"--this being the crux of the problem: she talks to everyone like they're idiots). Now we go at it fairly regularly. It's a nuisance, but I take consolation in the fact that I'm not the only one who has been put in this position. And as someone who likes a good argument, I'll be happy to oblige.


Blogger Gina said...

Kick her ass, baby.

Metaphoric ass kicking~
The day is coming when she won't have Mike Lisk to kick around anymore.

Are you looking?

8:34 PM  
Blogger Gina said...

PS. Sounds like SHE had a cow.

So WHAT if there's an inconsistant capitalization. Is there a loss incurred? Silly old goat, what's it gonna matter in the grand scheme of things? How many imperfections to we all have to live with in life on a daily basis. It seems that an author would allow for a small margin of error rather than flip out and risk a cornary or break down. Is perfection a given in the contract or are there stipulations for these kind of minor oversights. Gawsh.... It's not like it happened in the text, where it could be maddening to the Auuuuu-thor. That guy couid wind up with a bleeding ulcer at this rate. Hey...ya think those Indians have to deal with this kind of crap on a daily basis? I think not! Pack it up, honey and Let it out! Grrrrrrr....

9:06 PM  
Blogger Gina said...

Slip her a little Milk of Mag.

9:12 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

I used to work in a place with five men working in close quarters. Like The A-Team, there was the handsome guy, the strong man, the nut job, the brain, and the sexually ambiguous one. One day we almost had a violent incident but it never happened. A wall was punched. Men respect each other because of the unwritten contract of potential violence.

Thanks to the Gloria Steinem, some women take advantage of being a**holes because they know there is 0% chance of real-life retribution. No man without the muscle to back it up would ever disrespect another man the way women do in today's offices. The funniest thing is to watch these gals when they leave the office, clutching their purses, afraid.

There's never been a book or journal published without a typo or a mispunctuation.

5:41 PM  
Blogger Gina said...

Women in positions of authority scare me. Brrrrr.......

Men are so much nicer.

9:33 PM  
Blogger BayonneMike said...

I'm almost too afraid to ask, Brian. Which one of those A-Team members was I?

I agree with your assessment regarding gender in the workplace. I'm sure there are anal, uptight male a-holes out there, but I've never come across any.

1:29 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Mr. T.

8:18 PM  
Blogger yakimba said...

So who's coppin' to "Sexually Anbiguous?!?" I'd take it (if you bought me a drink or two ...).

12:00 PM  

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