Friday, June 08, 2007

Wasted sarcasm

Yesterday in Hoboken, in order to get past a car parallel parking, some asshole in a DHL truck decided to drive on the sidewalk narrowly missing myself and a couple other pedestrians. Of course, all that was accomplished by doing this was that the truck was able to advance about twenty feet to stop at a red light. As I walked by, I got the driver's attention and gave him a big thumb's up. "Good job back there driving on the sidewalk!" Nothing. I said it again laying the sarcasm on a little thicker. Not a fucking clue. I suspect English may not have been this person's first language. Either that or he was even stupider than he looked. I cannot deny that I was a bit disappointed.

Calling attention to assholes while they are acting like assholes is something I do more and more lately. Considering the types of people walking around these days, it's probably not the safest thing to do. I remember one time getting into a shouting match with another express mail truck driver not very far from where this latest incident occurred. I think that jerk even got out of his truck briefly to wave his arms around for emphasis. Strangely, he didn't approach me while doing this. We yelled at each other some more, each holding our ground, and then he got back in his truck and drove off. Now that I think about it, it was very reminiscent of that early scene with the monkeys in 2001: A Space Odyssey (except neither of us threw a bone in the air that turned into a spaceship). Another time I got into a loud dispute with an idiot on a bus after he cut the line, one of my personal pet peeves. Again, it didn't come to blows, but it was a bit awkward when this person got off the bus shortly thereafter (he was saying goodbye to his girlfriend). Hey, it was the principle of the thing, right? What? He couldn't say goodbye to her outside the bus? What is she a child?

One of these days someone is going to physically attack me over some remark I have made. I'm almost certain of this. Maybe when I'm a little older and more frail-looking. I've steeled myself for it. I've imagined it countless times. Finally, all the anger that has built up over the years will have an outlet. Does it sound too much like I'm looking forward to this opportunity? Maybe I am.


Blogger Gina said...

Kick his Ass, baby.

9:25 AM  
Blogger Gina said...

Metaphoric ass kicking, of course. That kind of driving ought to be reported to the company, Mike. One day, if the guy lives long enough, he is going to kill someone.

A friend of mine was traveling on I 78 with her husband and infant son when a crazed nut came speeding up from behind and cut them off, nearly causing them to crash. The maniac continued on and ran into the SUV in front of them before losing control of his car and flipping over in the median. My friend's husband was so pissed off that he pulled over, ran over to the guy who caused the accident, half conscious and still strapped in hanging upside down, and put his fist and arm through the window. It was the rage....

9:54 AM  
Blogger BayonneMike said...

Did he throttle him?

10:00 AM  
Blogger Angelissima said...

two words for you:
Fight Club

2:07 PM  
Blogger BayonneMike said...

Just for the record, Fight Club was one of the worst moviegoing experiences of my life. Please don't ask me to read the book either.

2:41 PM  
Blogger Gina said...

... and then he throttled the son of a bitch.

(Sawyer style)

3:55 PM  
Blogger Angelissima said...

HA! oh well, call me shallow, but a bad boy brad gets me every time.

2:02 PM  

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