Thursday, April 10, 2008

More body problems

For the past two nights I've been trying to unclog half my head. The recurring problem with my ears is back. I've been using over-the-counter ear drops with the hope that it's not a severe enough problem this time to require a trip to the doctor. A few years ago I had tubes inserted into both of my ears as a means of alleviating future problems (it wasn't just wax, but a condition called "glue ear" or fluid in the middle ear), but I guess there's no guarantee for these kinds of things. I thought I was making headway on the first night. Shortly after using the drops, I could feel things fizzing up in there. I took this as a good sign. The drops didn't just pool over the clogged ear canal like over a stubborn stopped drain the way it had done in the past when I had to visit the doctor. Maybe with a couple more administrations of the drops, I thought, I would be good to go. Last night during the second session, I had similar results. More fizzing and a fair amount of brown gook removed on the ends of Q-tips. This morning things weren't so good. I woke to my ear popping intermittently (and a nice new disgusting stain on my pillowcase) and spent about a half hour removing more human sludge from my head. During my commute to work, I might as well have been half deaf. I just spent part of my morning twisting napkins (I'm out of Q-tips) and sticking it in my ear in an attempt to clear enough of the crap away so that I can at least have partial hearing out of the fucked-up ear. A call has been made to my doctor, but he's not in the office today and I don't know if I'll be able to get an appointment by tomorrow. And I'm not exactly looking forward to that visit because my ear doctor is an older gentleman who, at this late date, has about as much sensitivity inserting his various instruments of torture into my head as a carpenter has banging a nail into a block of wood. I can't wait!


Blogger Gina said...

Ouch. Aw... I remember you had that with the tubes and the drainage. You know, it could be related to allergies, Mike. I would get a case of water and drink throughout the day to help loosen things up and help your body fight infection or virus. They say that a hot water bottle and drinking pepperment/camomile tea is soothing for these kind of things. Warm oil with garlic (oil) or lavender oil, is supposed to be comforting... Couldn't you find another doctor who is more gentle with your ears? Of course you could. Does it hurt?
I was going to recommend ear candles but I just saw a myth buster you tube. Don't forger the ear plugs...poor baby.

1:02 PM  
Blogger BayonneMike said...

I tried another doctor once. After the longest wait I've ever had in a doctor's office, he showed up to inform me that I had an infection (no shit, Sherlock) and write a prescription for me. I actually had to prompt him to suction it clean or I wouldn't have gotten any relief at all.

1:28 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

My ear man is Dr. Finger, you can look it up. He ran for Congress as a Libertarian from Brooklyn. He's the poor man's Dr. Ron Paul. He also dabbles in plastic surgery.

Do you use honey? I have a theory that excess honey consumption generates ear wax. Just a theory.

2:09 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

This might take care of all your problems. Be careful where you aim your ear after this folk remedy.

2:15 PM  
Blogger Gina said...

i keep reading about the healing properties of white vinegar when mixed 1 part to 5 parts water ( another source stated equal parts and one guy I read actually put a few drops of undiluted vinegar in his ear), but anyway, it's supposed to kill fungus. The article mentions that it can make bacterial infections worse though. Check out this site.

8:50 PM  
Blogger Angelissima said...

I heard white vinegar removes oxidation from aluminum coffee pots if boiled - two tbsns per quart of water.

Also, if you do shots of apple cider vinegar, you can achieve six pack abs in nothing flat.

Hope you'll find the relief you seek. Your dilemma sounds perfectly dreadful.

11:23 PM  
Blogger Gina said...

Aluminum coffee pots with oxidation. They say Aluminum causes Alzheimer's disease. I wonder what happens when the aluminum is oxidized in the human brain, and if ingesting white vinegar in water can reverse the symptoms. Hmm...

Apple Cider Vinegar with honey was supposed to be great for whatever ails you. Acid base balance is crucial in healthy metabolism and general body functioning.

I think I need to get back to the lab now.

6:53 AM  
Blogger Gina said...

Take stock and stock up on Apple Cider Vinegar:

"Apple cider vinegar contains a potent supply of potassium which researchers feel is helpful in easing the effects of common colds and allergies, including mucous formation, watery eyes, sinus and catarrhal problems. Cider vinegar can also be beneficial for symptoms such as tooth decay and splitting of the fingernails, which are symptoms of potassium deficiency. Potassium is essential for the replacement of worn-out tissues within the body. This mineral is also important to soft tissue repair, as calcium is to the bones and teeth. A deficiency of potassium within the body can produce callous formations on the souls of the feet, insufficient replacement of worn tissue, and hair loss.

Tests have proven that soil deficient in potassium will produce anemic and undersized plants, but when potassium is introduced into the soil, the plant becomes healthier and increases in size. When potassium, in the form of cider vinegar is fed to livestock their appearance improves and their stamina increases. This can also prove true on a human level for those who have potassium deficiency. A few teaspoons of cider vinegar taken with water each day has been known to produce amazing results. Cider vinegar can be taken alone or used in cooking. It can be used as a salad dressing, for pickling, in making mayonnaise or sprinkled on potato chips or French fries. It can used as a hot or cold beverage sweetened with honey. The best method of using apple cider vinegar is in its natural liquid form.

When the body is lacking certain minerals or salts, ill health can be the result. Toxic build-ups with the body can cause boils, blisters, acne, etc. Cider vinegar detoxifies and helps with the cleansing and clotting processes of the blood, by helping along the blood oxidation process.

Cider vinegar is thought to be beneficial in the treatment of arthritis, as a beverage or with compresses soaked in hot vinegar applied directly to the joints. It is also thought to be helpful when used to treat asthma, nose bleeds, osteoporosis, cancer, candida, high cholesterol, colds, constipation, muscle cramps, colitis, diabetes, diarrhea, depression, dizziness, ear discharge, eczema, fatigue, gallstones, kidney stones, hay fever, headaches, heartburn, hiccups, indigestion, insomnia, kidney and bladder problems, metabolism, nasal congestion, sore throats, stiff joints, ulcers and weight loss."

7:03 AM  
Blogger Gina said...

MORE body problems??? Oh that's the same one. Can we move on?

9:01 AM  
Blogger Angelissima said...

Dang! Gonna git me some vin-e-gar.

5:41 PM  

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